Philodendron Selloum

Care Information
Add composted cow manure to the hole when you plant. No trimming is needed other than to remove an old leaf and stem. This plant can't be cut back for size, so make sure its ultimate height and width will work in your landscape. If cold damages an established selloum it may die all the way back but send up new sprouts in spring. Water regularly but give the plant time to dry out between waterings. Philodendrons cannot take a wet area - they'll rot.
- Light Needs: Bright filtered or indirect light
- Watering Needs: Water the plant freely during the growing season; spraying or wiping the leaves often with a damp cloth. During the summer, mist the Tree Philodendron leaves twice daily but water sparingly during the winter.
Product Overview:
These magnificent, massive plants bring the look of the tropics to any yard. They will grow in sun but do best in a part sun to part or full shade area. This plant works as a tropical shrub, and may climb a nearby fence or tree (it won't hurt the tree). However, if you want a true climber, try 'Monstera deliciosa' philodendron - sometimes called "Swiss Cheese Plant." Selloum grows a trunk eventually though you won't see much of it when the leaves droop over each other in dense layers. These plants also work well in containers by the pool, on a patio or balcony, or even indoors.
Product Cost, Delivery, Installation
Please fill out a quote request form below to get a quick cost estimate. We offer fast easy delivery service and can provide installation service for you.
For more information please call us at (904) 727-1100 to discuss about your landscaping needs, or visit us at 230 Lee Rd. Jacksonville, FL