Lions Ear

Lions Ear

Care Information

Lion's ear plant care is minimal. Keep newly planted Leonotis moist, but not soggy, until the plant is established. At that point, the plant is fairly drought tolerant but benefits from occasional watering during hot, dry weather. Be careful not to overwater. Prune the plant after flowering and as needed to encourage more blooms and to keep the plant neat and tidy.

  1. Light Needs: Full sun
  2. Watering Needs: Once established, needs regular watering


Product Overview:

A gorgeous tropical shrub native to South Africa, lion's ear (Leonotis) was transported first to Europe as early as the 1600s, and then found its way to North America with early settlers. Although some types can be invasive in tropical climates, Leonotis leonorus, also known as minaret flower and lion's claw, is a popular ornamental in the home garden.

Product Cost, Delivery, Installation

Please fill out a quote request form below to get a quick cost estimate. We offer fast easy delivery service and can provide installation service for you.

For more information please call us at (904) 727-1100 to discuss about your landscaping needs, or visit us at 230 Lee Rd. Jacksonville, FL


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