Copper Plant

Copper Plant

Care Information

Add composted cow manure and top soil (or organic peat humus) to the hole when you plant. Trim occasionally for shape and height (do branch trimming rather than using hedge trimmers). Give the plant a hard pruning in spring (late March or early April) for bushier growth and to keep it the size you want.

  1. Light Needs: full sun to part shade
  2. Watering Needs: Once established, needs regular watering


Product Overview:

One of the prettiest South Florida shrubs is copper plant - or "copperleaf" - with its striking, brightly-colored leaves. Basic varieties come in several different colors - red, pink and white. The red is a rusty mix of coppery red with bright pink accents. Pink has beautiful mottled pink, green and white leaves (bright pink in more sun, pastel pink in part shade). White is creamy white mixed with green. Newer cultivars include smaller-leaved shrubs like 'Inferno' as well as new colors such as showy 'Tricolor' with red, green and yellow foliage. There are also mini-leaf coppers with narrow leaves rimmed with color that have a fine-textured, weepy appearance. If crotons are not your cup of tea, these colorful foliage plants are an outstanding substitute.

Product Cost, Delivery, Installation

Please fill out a quote request form below to get a quick cost estimate. We offer fast easy delivery service and can provide installation service for you.

For more information please call us at (904) 727-1100 to discuss about your landscaping needs, or visit us at 230 Lee Rd. Jacksonville, FL


Find Out How Many Plants Needed

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Area covered (square feet):
Spacing between plants (inches):


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