Posted: August 16, 2017 | Mulch Masters

Have you ever wanted to design an exceptional landscape for your home or commercial property? There are a few things to consider before you begin this task such as first determining the end product of your landscape look and design. But first, look no further than Mulch Masters, your local landscape supply company.

Mulch Masters is locally owned and operated, and has been in business for over 30 years. Our Full Service Garden Center is easily accessible at 230 Lee Road in Jacksonville, FL and we are equipped to deliver our landscaping products directly to your door. Whatever your needs, we at Mulch Masters can help with the landscaping needs for your property. Keep reading for a few great ideas on how you can spruce up your landscape by simply adding color.

Landscaping in Color Landscaping in Color
Landscaping in Color

To begin with, after you have your landscape design, there are a plethora of colorful plants, trees, and shrubs that can be used to bring your dream to life. Brightly colored plants and foliage are not only pleasing to the human eye but to the beautiful birds of the air as well. Adding color can bring attention to your home or commercial property. By utilizing the many different textures, colors, and shapes of trees, plants, and shrubs, you can achieve a design that will suit your need and call attention to your property.

Many will suggest adding things such as Koi ponds, sun and wind catchers, birdbaths/feeders, and/or fountains. All of these are wonderful additions; however, by choosing to add flowering trees such as Crepe Myrtle, Tulip Poplar, Maple Silver Leaf, Dogwood Trees, and/or Magnolia Trees you opt for both function and beauty. Not only do these trees function as shade trees during the hot sunny afternoons they also provide a blast of color for style and splendor to your surroundings. Plants such as Golden Dewdrop, The Mexican Petunia, and Hibiscus will add an extra splash of color for beauty.

  • Crape Myrtle - Crape Myrtle is one of the most useful flowering shrubs/trees. It provides abundant color with minimum of maintenance. As one of the long-living trees, relatively free of disease and insect difficulties, it is ideally suited for community plantings.
  • Tulip Poplar - The Tulip Poplar also known as Yellow Poplar or Tulip tree is provide nectar in the spring with their flowers and sap in the winter for wintering hummingbirds. Wintering hummingbirds feed off of the sap and the insects attracted to the sap.
  • Maple Silver Leaf - Silver Maple is a medium-sized tree common in the Eastern United States where it is also called soft maple, river maple, silver leaf maple, swamp maple, water maple, and white maple. It is found on stream banks, flood plains, and lake edges where it grows best on better-drained, moist alluvial soils and the tree may live 130 years or more.
  • Dogwood Trees - The flowering Dogwood thrives under the canopy of larger trees in the shady, moist and nutrient-rich conditions it prefers. Home-owners and landscapers have long favored it for its lovely spring display, its attractive shape and luxuriant leaves and its modest size.
  • Magnolia Trees - D.D. Blanchard Magnolia is an aristocrat of trees that grows well throughout Florida and Georgia. It is widely adaptable to a variety of soils, and has few pest problems. With glossy evergreen foliage and large white fragrant blossoms, it truly is one of the most handsome and durable native trees for our Southern landscapes.
  • Golden Dewdrop - The Golden dewdrop is a sprawling, sometimes vine-like tender evergreen shrub or small tree that can grow up to 18 ft. (5.5 m) tall and just as wide. It usually forms a multi-stemmed clump with branches that droop and trail. The ovate leaves are 1-3 in (2.5-7.6 cm) long and arranged on the stem in pairs opposite each other, or in whorls of three. Some bushes are quite spiny, and some have no spines at all. The showy flowers bloom almost all year long in terminal or lateral clusters.
  • The Mexican Petunia - This three-foot-tall evergreen shrub bears many tubular, blue or purple, petunia-like flowers on dark stems over a long period. Each flower lasts for just one day. It is a fast grower that may self-seed aggressively. Use in a border, container, or at waterside. The Mexican Petunia can be grown as an annual in cooler areas.
  • Hibiscus - Hibiscus are large shrubs or small trees that produce huge, colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers over a long season. They are deciduous shrubs with dark green leaves can grow to 15 feet tall with large flowers that may be up to 6 inches diameter and most importantly with colors ranging from yellow to peach to red. Hibiscus can be planted individually or grown together as a hedge plant. The Hibiscus flowers are attractive to butterflies and hummingbirds and the entire plant can be used, from seed to root, as treatment for many ailments such as respiratory problems, skin disorders, and fevers.
Crape Myrtle Tulip Poplar Maple Silver Leaf Flowering Dogwood Magnolia Golden Dewdrop Mexican Petunia Hibiscus

Whether you're going for great color intensity by using several bright colors together or simply having a visually pleasing monochromatic scheme using one color and its various shades and tints, there are many ways that you can use flowering trees and plants to bring color to your landscape. It's a very simple way to brighten up your home or commercial property. Whether you're using just a splash of color or large amounts of impressive hues, you can make an enormous impact in your neighborhood by upgrading your landscape with color.

To see how we can help, contact Mulch Masters today for your free estimate!



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